Bomb Conflict (2016): Video Game Review

Recently we talked to Jonathan Gelineau of Maitop Games, an independent game developer located on the suburbs of Montreal. They are the masterminds behind a recently launched puzzle adventure called Bomb Conflict.

Maitop Games was established a few years ago. Their games are heavily influenced by popular SNES titles, particularly in the game/level design. The idea itself was a moment of spectacular spontaneity. Maitop Games first launched onto the market with their game Gravity Bounds, which plays along the same concept as Bomb Conflict and it was their way to test the market.

Fast forward to 2016, Bomb Conflict launched a few months ago in June on both Android and iOS. It tells the story of a world that has been invaded by strangers (probably aliens with their spaceships in the cut scenes). The citizens plead to the God of Gravity for help. We play as said God of Gravity. Our job is to shift the world up, down, left or right to defuse the bombs by matching them up. However, the twist is that the area they land will be shaped differently and shifting the world will cause everything to move in the same direction.

As the area progresses, more items will be in the way. We start with boulders in the Village and Forest areas (the first two areas) which shift entirely like the bombs would. However, moving on, the River will have wooden crates that work different and shift only one space, for example. This changes the way we perceive the entire puzzle and creates another level of difficulty.

All these elements are positive. Bomb Conflict is designed well to make sure that it never leaps in difficulty too much however still maintaining a decent level of challenge. To unlock the next area, there is a minimum required amount of stars which is an objective determining the amount of moves. This extra goal is not a necessity to achieve for each level but a selected few have to be completed in order to unlock the next area. It also makes sure that the player will have the practice and skills for the next area’s challenges.

Bomb Conflict reminisces its level designs on simplicity. The level path is structured like that of Mario showing the stars and dots along the road to where they need to go. Mobile games are meant to be quick and on the go. It doesn’t need to be complex especially for puzzle adventures. It gives a nostalgic touch and still manages to keep it simple to understand.

Overall, Bomb Conflict is done well. It has a creative story. The gameplay mechanics are pretty smooth. The puzzle itself ranges in difficulty and remains motivating to keep playing. The worlds itself have a variety of obstacles matching to the area we are playing in, keeping it challenge and fun. Everything is well-balanced.

For those looking for a fun puzzle challenge, you should give Bomb Conflict a go!

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