Tamar Bird and Kelly Fyffe-Marshall Discuss ‘Haven’

Haven is a short film about a young girl who finds comfort in her mother’s legs, and forum to speak.

Director Kelly Fyffe-Marshall and producer Tamar Bird offered us a chance to talk with them about the film, which has earned a lot of recognition for its impact. Here’s what they had to say.

Hello, Tamar . Thank you so much for taking the time to talk with me. Before we get started, could you offer a little bit about yourself for readers who don’t know you?

Tamar: I am a 28 year old, emerging Producer based out of Toronto. I’ve been in the film industry for about five years. I am a new member of the I.A.T.S.E 411 union. I continue to work on major film and television series and hope to produce my first feature shortly.

READ MORE: Review of the Short Film Haven

Your latest project is called Haven, and I have to say, after watching this remarkable short film, I was a little out of sorts for a while, deeply shaken by the story. In fact, I’m still unsure where to start. How about your collaboration? How did you two come together for this?

Tamar: Kelly and I have known each other for about 6 years. For about four years we were figuring each other out and brainstorming. In the last two years we have really started to focus and master our individual skill sets to become a great team. So when Kelly brought Haven to me, we both knew this was the film to be our calling card for bigger and better things.

Let’s discuss the story, Kelly, and feel free to speak openly. What motivated the writing and development of Haven?

Kelly: Haven evolved from a conversation I had with my good friend and DOP Jordan Oram. We spoke about making a powerful film that had just two characters in one room. That night I came home and wrote Haven. I thought about a picture that we don’t see in film, a black woman and her daughter getting her hair done. For black children growing up this is a safe Haven, I thought about what conversation would be born out of that. What deep secret would you reveal to your mother? From this Haven was born.

It’s my understanding that this was an all female production. Are you looking to make more movies about women and women of color based on this experience?

Tamar: Of course! Our next project is a web series called Parea. That whole production is female led. From the main characters to the head of departments excluding our DOP. Kelly and I have an opportunity to change the narrative, so we will.

Your cast includes only two actors, Tika Simone as the mother and young D’evina Chatrie as Jada, her daughter. Could you tell us how they become involved in the film?

Tamar: Kelly is this amazing visionary and she knew exactly what she wanted. Kelly met D’evina a few months before we shot Haven at a photo shoot and Kelly saw the talent in D’evina. When it came to TiKA, Kelly and I both knew she just looked the part and hoped her acting talent matched. TiKA met all our expectations and gave us more.

I believe this is Chatrie’s debut. She has tremendous presence for such a young actor. Does she have further plans you’re aware of to continue?

Tamar: D’evina is a talent that will go on to do amazing things. As of now she is available for more opportunities and I know Kelly and I will use her in the near future.

I’m curious about the film’s format. Your film is only three and half minutes long. Was this always going to be a short film and its brevity something you were committed to?

Tamar: Kelly wanted to make a short film about two people in a room. The script she wrote was always meant to be short, to the point and impactful.

I really want to compliment the simplicity of the set and production, using so very little to express so much, from the black & white painting on the wall to the toys in Jada’s room, everything is so purposeful and symbolic. I’m not really sure I have a question here, just curious about the process that went into design.

Tamar: The set design was really what we had on hand. We shot this film in my apartment that I recently moved into at the time. The painting is my fiancé and his amazing son and we knew it would fit perfectly in the film. We also wanted to show a loving black father loving their child with the picture.

What’s ahead for haven. I know it’s doing the festival circuit now. Would love to be able to give readers more information about possible distribution or opportunities to see it.

Tamar: Haven is the film that has done amazing things for Kelly and I. If anyone is interested in distributing Haven or using Haven has a teaching tool please contact us (Kelly.fyffefilms@gmail.com). Kelly and I want Haven to be shown the world.

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