Lil Bub’s Hello Earth Retro 80s Mobile Game

Fan of retro games? We know you are! Digging into the depths of Kickstarter, we found a little game that has popped up nearing the last few days of funding inspired by 80s and 90s retro games called Lil Bub’s HELLO EARTH. Put on your nostalgia hats, we’re going back in time.

Lil Bub’s HELLO EARTH is an up-coming independently developed mobile retro video game that pays tribute to those hours and hours of addiction we had playing side-scrolling shooters as kids (and yes, even as adults). Except this game has a few more surprises. Aside from the classic left-to-right shooting action, there is also a bit of platforming where we get to control the main character Bub as she and her spaceship head off to save her pal Spooky. It alternates between the two types of levels and so far works well.


Bub is a space cat who needs our help in finding eight pieces to put her space pod back together for an important mission. It seems her space bother Spooky, a helpless kitten she found in a tree, has been kidnapped by a winged monstrosity. Now, with our help, she needs to find everything from her ship’s battery to her weapons (Power Blaster, Yogurt Cannon, etc.) and the grappling arm. These parts are crucial to her space pod surviving and getting off Earth and exploring space. This will help her to get right back on track and head out for adventures in bringing Spooky home. Sign us up.

Currently, a demo is available for both iOS and Android so that you can get an idea of what this game is about. We played it:

The small team behind Lil Bub’s HELLO EARTH explain that the demo is only a work in progress meant to demonstrate their concept, but it’s a good one. They promise a lot more cool features in the finished product. We’re keeping this one on the radar.

The project is currently still in Kickstarter campaign until July 20th, 2016. Check it out HERE!

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