Westworld Episode 3: Virtù e Fortuna


Westworld Episode 3 (Episode 2 here) was as good as ever this week as not only do we get some blazing action in a gunfight between human and host, but we also get a taste of two new worlds. As the mystery behind Westworld continues unfolding, the possibilities of the show become even more vast. Westworld is really starting to show us that the sky is the limit, and the biggest concern may wind up being too many subplots to get through in an hour every week.

The episode begins at a lavish party in what looks to be India World. Some guests are there to go on a hunt for Bengal tigers (that we’d seen in some previous episodes), but upon arriving to their campsite they realize all the humans have been murdered by mad hosts. A woman, Grace (Katja Herbers), escapes after surviving a host and being chased by a tiger, and she runs right into the indians of Westworld.

Peter Abernathy (Louis Herthum) was a main focus of Episode 3. Bernard Lowe (Jeffrey Wright) and Charlotte Hale (Tessa Thompson) attempt to track him down so she can hand him over to her partners who want whatever is coded on him. Peter and Bernard get captured by some of Colonel Brigham’s (Fredric Lehne) men, and are taken to the camp where Dolores Abernathy (Evan Rachel Wood) and Teddy Flood (James Marsden) are at. Dolores’s excitement to see her father soon fades as she sees how buggy he is, and asks Bernard to fix him. Upon analyzing him Bernard finds the hidden code that is embedded in him, but we don’t see exactly what it is.

Part of the security team that is sweeping Westworld comes across the fort where Dolores is held up. Dolores sacrifices the Colonel and his men as bait to draw the security team in and detonate everyone. During the attack Charlotte and a small team are able to sneak in and steal Peter. After the battle, Dolores orders Teddy to kill the Major and some of his men. Teddy is at odds with what they’ve been doing, and he decides to let the men go. Unbeknownst to Teddy, Dolores witnesses him do this.

Maeve (Thandie Newton) and her team cross paths with some of the Indians from her past who’d attacked her and her daughter. She tries to command them, as she’d done with other hosts, but it doesn’t work and the Indians attack. They’re able to escape underground where they’re reunited with Armistice (Ingrid Bolso Berdal) and Lutz (Leonardo Nam). Once they make it above ground to continue the search for Maeve’s daughter, they stumble upon Shogun World. The episode ends with a Samurai attacking them.

We finally get to see Dolores and Bernard interacting in the present now that she is roaming free. After meeting Bernard with slight hostility, she quickly turns to compassion when asking him to help with her father. Charlotte grows even closer to accomplishing her goal by kidnapping Peter, and Bernard has evidently figured out his significance. Despite all this, what I found to be most exciting was the introduction of an entirely new world, as well as Maeve coming across Shogun World. The possibilities of where they can take this show have always fascinated me. There are virtually no bounds as the creators can continue bringing in new worlds, which means new characters, which means new plot lines. It also helps to give the show variety to avoid the audience getting bored with a certain narrative. Episode 3 only offers us a taste, but hopefully it’s the start of much bigger things to come.

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