5 Thrilling Documentaries on Netflix You Need Watch

Netflix is the go-to home streaming service for movies, and tucked inside a host of great action and comedy and romance films plus tons of amazing television and original shows is a small section of documentaries where we found a treasure trove of surprises. Here are 5 thrilling documentaries on Netflix you need to watch.

Valley Uprising (2014)

Valley Uprising, 2014 ©Sender Films
DIRECTORS: Peter Mortimer, Nick Rosen     NARRATOR: Peter Sarsgaard

Yosemite valley in California is home to some of the greatest rock climbing in the world and has drawn enthusiasts and hardcore devotees for generations. Among these are a particular group of climbers who have made dangerous climbing a lifestyle and for fifty years have defied the laws of gravity and the laws of the land as counter culture generations have clashed with rangers and authorities trying to keep the peace. Through it all, the art and technology of climbing has evolved beyond what most had ever expected. This terrifying and engrossing documentary shines a light on these fearless folks who have committed themselves to the mountain face, live or die, exposing us to a world and a people with a drive unlike many. A sometimes hard-to-watch film, it’s a heart-attack inducing experience but one that is also enlightening as we come to better understand the passion these climbers share.

The Testimony (2015)

The Testimony (2015) ©Atria Film & Escape Artists
DIRECTOR: Vanessa Block

The fighting between the March 23 Movement and government in the Democratic Republic of the Congo has seen some of the most horrific atrocities in human history, with reports estimating lost lives are more than that of World War II. As the M32 Rebellion pushed the government forces out of power, the fleeing Congolese Army headed east to Minova where they systematically raped hundred of women they were meant to protect. This shocking short film recounts the global outrage that led to intervention and to one of the largest rape trials in history. A frightful yet heroic film of incredibly brave and unshakeable women, it’s a record of the worst and best in humanity. You will be changed by its brief, impactful 28 minutes.

The Wrecking Crew (2008)

The Wrecking Crew, 2008 ©Magnolia Pictures
DIRECTOR: Denny Tedesco

If you’re a fan of the 60s pop sound then this will be both a treat and an eye-opener as we meet the members of The Wrecking Crew, a studio band responsible for a lot of the music that was attributed to big band names, even though their names were left off the liner notes. A fascinating look at the music industry and the unsung (no pun intended) heroes who made it happen, many singing stars come forward and profess their admiration for the musical contribution this little known (by name) band who changed the face of music. From radio hits like California Dreamin’ to Good Vibrations, these talented musicians had a hand in making a slew of songs into world wide hits. A charming, upbeat and entertaining film, this will have your toe tapping and your mind blown.

Last Man On The Moon (2014)

The Last Man on the Moon, 2014 ©Mark Stewart Productions
DIRECTOR: Mark Craig

For any space fan, it’s still hard to believe we haven’t been to the moon since 1972, and this sensational documentary chronicles the story of Gene Cernan, the man who last stepped foot on Earth’s closest astronomical body. With the elder astronaut walking us through his two missions in space, we watch him make a living here on the big blue planet and we try to imagine what it must be like to be one of only eleven people to do such an extraordinary achievement. A deeply personal story with both great insight into the process and procedures of the moon mission, it is also a powerful human story about a humble man with tremendous passion for space exploration and the world he calls home.

Chaos On The Bridge (2014)

Chaos On The Bridge, 2014 © Wacky Doodle Productions
DIRECTOR: William Shatner     NARRATOR: William Shatner

How amazing is it to watch the Captain James T. Kirk interview people involved in the making of Star Trek: The Next Generation, the first series to follow-up his own groundbreaking and iconic show? As Spock would say: Fascinating. And a whole lot more. Shatner is a gracious, humorous, and compelling host as he allows the creative forces behind TNG to discuss the mind-boggling hurdles and shenanigans it took to bring this now beloved show to air. With an extraordinary mix of face-to-face interviews and stylish animation, this deep core drilling into the process of putting a show on television is more than eye-opening, for fans of the sci-fi classic, it might just change every perception you have about it. Should you watch? Make it so.

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