Attention Aspiring Sci-Fi Movie Makers: Science Fiction Filmmaking 101 Is Where to Start

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My name is Hasraf ‘HaZ’ Dulull. I’m a producer and director and having had a crazy 2018 of two science fiction feature films – THE BEYOND and 2036 Origin Unknown released (both of the feature films were licensed by Netflix) whilst shooting a TV series for Disney called Fast Layne, I found my 2019 to be a bit of a come down from the adrenaline. So I spent most of the year pitching on new projects and developing the next films (yes that’s all part of the filmmaking process).

During the pitching process and meetings with studios, I often found studio executives and people in general asking how the hell did I pull off both of my films for very little yet they look really expensive. My answers always end up with me showing tons of behind the scenes footage whilst breaking down my film production process on thinking outside the box with the filmmaking approach and utilising VFX smartly during the shoot and not just in post.

Most of them would be impressed whilst also bedazzled with the fact that my approach doesn’t involve people working for free, but instead makes good use of the limited time I could afford from them. So after sounding like a broken record, I decided that its best I just create a masterclass series which breaks down my entire process from prep to shooting to post right through to marketing and distribution. Here is a list of the episodes featured in the series, and you can buy or rent the series here:

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