On Netflix Now: ‘Begin Again’

Begin Again is a 2014 drama about a chance encounter between a disgraced music-business executive and a young singer-songwriter, new to Manhattan, that turns into a promising collaboration between the two talents.

A terrific soundtrack will have you on its side from the start, but it’s really saved by two great performances from the leads.

If you’re not into musical drama, this might not be your thing, the story a bit contrived and a little manufactured.

Mixing music and romance is a recipe for success for director John Carney, who has made a host of great films in the genre, including the Academy Award-winning Once. With Begin Again, he casts the unusual pair of Keira Knightley and Mark Ruffalo in this sweet and charming bit of romance. Knightley is Gretta, a singer-songwriter whose recently split from her partner Dave Kohl (Adam Levine), he having just become successful and taking to an affair. Ruffalo is Dan, a founder of a once highly profitable record company who is not doing well keeping up with the changes happening around him, trying to stay relevant with his teenage daughter Violet (Hailee Steinfeld). When he spots Gretta singing in a bar, that all changes and he thinks he’s got the next big act. Filled with plenty of great music and some surprising emotional moments, this is a fun and very satisfying night at the movies. Read more about this film and a really great moment here.

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