Clueless and the JOSH KISSES CHER Moment


The One Line Summary: Naive, superficial blonde hottie Batgirl, er Cher, navigates the cliques and clubs of her Beverley Hills high school, fending off aimless droopy-drawered boy while doing her part to perk up her best friend, play matchmaker, find true love and save the planet.


The Two-Line Blurb: Fashion rules of course, but Cher is more than her clothes as she is a young girl with a true heart and while she spends all her time bettering others, she loses site of her own happiness. Good thing her handsome (Hey Ant-Man!) ex-stepbrother is in town to spike the film with some 90s grudgeboy ‘tude.

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The Three-Line Set-up: Josh (Paul Rudd) is a little older and wiser, uninterested in the flighty, fashion-frenzied girlies Cher (Alicia Silverstone) and her friends are all about, mocking their shallowness and utter lack of a world view, which, in a twist, soon gets Cher in all a flutter. She does a little growing, a little helping, and mostly a little walking in a little white dress and it isn’t long before Josh gets them tingles in his Dockers and sees Cher in a totally kissable light.

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The Four-Line Moment: Alone at last. Face to face. College boy and underage high school girl kiss. So, basically the plot of nearly every single rock song ever written.

The Five-Word Review: My school wasn’t like this.

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