Spider In The Web Review

Spider In The Web is a 2019 spy film about a young operative sent on a mission to follow an older agent whose behavior has come into question.

Working for the Mossad in Belgium, veteran agent Adereth (Ben Kingsley) is well past his peak, and he knows it. Struggling to come up with evidence about a Syrian chemical warfare plant, he’s proven nothing, forcing his superiors to send in the younger Daniel (Itay Tiran) – a man Adereth already has connections with – to get hold of the situation. Adereth, desperate to remain relevant, admits he’s cooked his books so to speak to give the impression he’s found more than he has, but most think it’s time he quit the biz and retire. However, he’s convinced his latest lead is legit, one that could topple the whole illegal operation, but he needs to convince Daniel, and soon he’s entangled in more than he can handle.

The spy genre has sort of imploded on itself, movies like the Mission: Impossible franchise (not to mention the Bond series) properly spinning them into action set pieces, leaving their complex talky siblings grasping for any exposure it can get. The worst part about that is how the subterfuge and now trope-y backroom cloak and dagger stuff feels mostly comical nowadays, which is where we find ourselves with this effort from director Eran Riklis. There’s plenty here that potentially should satisfy old school spy vs. spy movie fans, with twists and turns, double-crosses and many more standards we’ve seen before, but it’s all a bit lifeless in execution, lacking the visceral punch the story demands.

Naturally, Kingsley is effortlessly engaging, even if this sort of thing is carbon copy stuff for him at this point. But that aside, he is a sensational presence and a good choice for the aging agent who’s made some wrong choices, convincing us that while Adereth has his flaws, is still going to find his way. He carries all of the emotional weight, never letting it slip out of his grip, landing a few impactful moments that hint just what this could have been. Tiran has some appeal as well but Daniel is sort of wedged into the obvious, stripping away any real investment, which is a distraction the further is progresses, even as Tiran works hard to give the man some energy. Monica Bellucci shows up as Adereth’s love interest, and of course much more, doing what she can with her built in sensuality to keep us guessing. She’s always great fun to watch.

Spider In The Web is a good looking movie and competently made, yet you can’t help but notice the leaks and almost devoted homage to the books and movies that in decades past shaped this very genre. It takes a precarious hand to keep the many plates it offers spinning, and while there are assuredly many solid moments that serve up just what is expected, this ultimately doesn’t have the significance it feels stocked ready deliver.

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